ACPA Memberships

ACPA Memberships end one year after the date of purchase unless renewed.

Single Membership

Physician - $350.00/year
Non-Physician - $150.00/year

Pre-Paid Bulk Membership

Physician - $335.50/year
Non-Physician - $142.50/year

  • Represents a 5% discount for each membership
  • Rate requires five or more memberships from one organization (can be a mix of physicians and non-physicians) paid at one time.

Pre-Paid Ultra Bulk Membership

Physician - $297.50/year

  • Represents a 15% discount for each membership
  • Physician rate applicable, only
  • Rate requires 50 or more physician members from one organization paid at one time

Corporate Membership

Linked to a bulk or ultra-bulk membership PLUS additional $2,600/year
Linked to a single physician membership PLUS additional $3,700/year

  • One free individual membership
  • 15% discount off additional individual memberships purchased after initial purchase of corporate membership
  • Corporate name/logo listed on home page of ACPA website (identified as a Corporate Member)
  • Corporate name/logo listed on Corporate Member page of ACPA website with 50-word description of corporation (ACPA reserves the right to edit)
  • Opportunity to list corporate website link for service/product discount for ACPA website-directed customers via the Corporate Member page of the ACPA website

Please direct inquiries about pre-paid bulk membership, pre-paid ultra-bulk membership, and corporate membership to Tracy Ptacek, ACPA membership and program manager, at [email protected]