The Kids Are Alright: Managing Status for Younger Patients in Your Hospital

Pediatrics / Observation Committees

This town hall event was held on June 4, 2024, where key takeaways were discussed by ACPA's Pediatrics and Observation committee leadership and members. Most physician advisors are now involved in some form of coverage of pediatric hospitalizations, denials and length of stay assessments. There is enough commonality that this applies to everyone, and enough differences that everyone will find something to learn. Click below to watch the recorded session and stay tuned for information about the next Town Hall!


Denise Goodman

Denise Goodman, MD, MS, FCCM
ACPA Pediatrics Committee Chair

Anuja Mohla

Anuja Mohla, DO, ACPA-C
ACPA Observation Committee Chair

Bart Caponi

Bart Caponi, MD, FACP, FHM
ACPA Observation Committee Member

Beatriz Ladd

Beatriz Ladd, MD, FAAP
ACPA Pediatrics Committee Member
Chatbox Moderator

Erik Madsen

Erik Madsen, MD, PhD
ACPA Pediatrics Committee Member

Sumana Narasimhan

Sumana Narasimhan, MD
ACPA Pediatrics Committee Vice Chair

Bernie Ravitz

Bernie Ravitz, MD
ACPA Observation Committee Member

Alyssa Riley

Alyssa A. Riley, MD, MEd, FAAP
ACPA Pediatrics Committee Vice Chair