Birth Announcement

August 20, 2021 

By Barbara Abrams, MD, Physician Advisor, Orlando Health 

The Pediatrics Committee of the ACPA is proud to announce that after a 10-month gestation, we have given birth to a bouncing baby Pediatric Denials Library!  The Library got off to a rocky start, with low initial APGARs as it struggled with issues of content and form.  But after those were resolved it had an APGAR of 9 and was quickly transferred to the newborn nursery of the ACPA website.  There, its parent committee dressed it in many different outfits, trying to see which template gave it the best functionality and most pleasing appearance.  

Having now had its first set of immunizations, the infant Pediatric Denials Library is ready for its first forays into the world.  It can be found here.   Please visit it and tickle its chin.  Browse through its contents, and leave parenting suggestions (comments) as to what you find helpful (or not).  As with any newborn, gifts are appropriate, and your case submissions are most needed and welcome!  Using the submission button, you can submit any pediatric denial you think would help others, be it concurrent or retrospective, a peer to peer, or a letter of appeal.  Please be sure to wrap it nicely in the provided template and to remove any sharp HIPAA objects (any identifying information of patient or payer) that might hurt our dear little one. 

After many diaper changes, we are looking forward to our pediatric denials library someday growing up and producing an adult denials library!  However, it takes a village to raise a denials library, and for this we’ll need the assistance of our adult colleagues.  As our baby grows and we learn from its mistakes, we are happy to share our knowledge with you and help you produce a functional adult denials library!  Just let us know when you’re ready to take your first steps . . . 


The American College of Physician Advisors is the national organization dedicated to “promoting and expanding the prominent role of the Physician Advisor in today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment through education, certification, mentorship and collaboration.”